Helping You And Your Business To Prosper Using Techniques Centuries Old
Feng Shui has been very popular in recent years. There are many books written about this subject. Some are very confusing and quite complicated because there are several different Feng Shui methods.
One method uses a compass and is so complicated it's hard to figure out. The other method, called the Black Sect method, divides one's living and/or work space into eight specific areas called the Ba-Gua. This is the method I practice and find it extremely effective because of its simplicity.
Feng Shui is actually the art of arranging one's work and living environments to reflect peace, harmony, balance and abundance in all areas of one's life. These invisible energies are referred to as CHI which means the "flow of energy" in all things. These energies appear invisible to us but they are very real and do exist whether one can see them, feel them, or not.
By the IMPROPER placement of objects around your home or office, vital CHI energy is BLOCKED, having the primary effect of keeping your personal and professional lives stuck and NOT flowing. This is EASILY CORRECTED by simply rearranging and adding or subtracting items from your environment. It's truly AMAZING what can happen with a few simple adjustments.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PROBLEMS THAT feng shui can resolve?
Often there are negative energy vortexes under or around offices and houses. Also, there are detrimental geopathic areas such as ley lines, underground water veins, ELF or EMF energies from various sources, earth fractures, and other similar but very destructive energies.
Negative geopathic zones as well as non-beneficial energies can sometimes make people and animals quite sick, physically, mentally and emotionally, and cause them to have very low energy as well. Sometimes plants won't grow in these areas and pets, who are extremely sensitive to non-beneficial energies, often refuse to go into these areas as well.
Many times people's homes and offices are filled with non-beneficial energies due to negative thinking and negative attitudes both of which are greatly prevalent in today's world. Sometimes ghosts or other beings haunt these places.
More often than not, I have found businesses to be located in very bad areas energetically. In addition, many times I find that office space is unsuitable for happy, contented employees or for prosperity in general. It has been my experience that the majority of businesses fall into this category no matter what is the business.
I specialize in helping employers find the perfect locations and work space for a successful and prosperous business. I work with commercial real estate agents in locating these places. They must meet my stringent requirements.
In addition, I take existing businesses who cannot or do not want to re-locate, and make corrections to increase productivity, contentment, and prosperity. Sometimes, the situations are so bad that they are not correctable without moving. This is especially true if there are detrimental ley lines and other such issues that cannot be corrected or resolved.
Each situation is individual in nature. Many factors must be taken into consideration.
In helping you to locate the right home to purchase or lease, I work with you and/or your real estate agent. Sometimes people have purchased land and want to build a house on it or want me to check out a possible land purchase to see if there are any negative or detrimental fractures or other problems. In addition, I am often asked to work with an architect in creating a floor plan that utilizes the best Feng Shui layout for each person, couple or family.
If you already own or rent a home, I come to your home and make suggestions and, often times, help you to re-arrange things on the spot. Coming to your home requires two visits, the first to make corrections, and the second to do a walk through and sacred ceremony.
I believe that one's home should be a "sacred space" meaning that it should be harmonious, peaceful and filled with items that are special to each individual. I believe one's home environment should rejuvenate and refresh each person. The bedroom is vitally important for restful sleep and is the core to peace and happiness.
Often I will suggest different colors for some rooms or even all rooms. I help to re-decorate some spaces, very simply and inexpensively, to make a major difference in the feel and texture of one's environment.
One of the things I do is to help each person create a "special sacred space" to meditate, pray or have silent time. It is where one can be alone and listen to one's inner guidance.
In addition, I help Feng Shui the outside of one's property no matter how large or small is one's yard. The outside is an extension of the inside of one's house. To have a wonderful and peaceful house, inside, and have a yard that is in disarray negates the effectiveness of the inside Feng Shui.